Boozhoo, Aaniin
Miigwetch for your faith in the journey we are all going to take for the next 2 years. You are the ones who guide us into the future. There are so many awesome people who have great ideas and it’s good to hear yours. Please do feel free to contact this new Council. We are here to listen, come out to the membership meetings and hopefully we will have at least 4 this year. Time goes by so fast, now the year is almost gone. I would just like to share of how I truly appreciate your consideration for my time on Council again. I sit at the table for a reason – yes, you are my reason. Let’s make this run the best we can. I will do my best to make progress for our future and our children’s future. Protecting the Waters and where we get our drinking water will always be number one in my eyes. Our land here in the area, the four legged, winged, crawlers, swimmers – all our relations. To my co-Councilor’s and Chief, our community as a whole, we can do this. Miigwetch again, have a wonderful day and enjoy each day to the fullest.