2024 Youth & Elders Gathering has concluded. Do you have feedback you would like to share? We would love to hear from you! Share your feedback here: https://bit.ly/YEGFeedback
26th Annual Youth & Elders Gathering
Chi-Miigwetch for being a part of the 26th Annual Youth & Elders Gathering, at Michipicoten First Nation!
We appreciate all your support, and thank everyone for their efforts: our Citizens, Gimaa Kwe, Council, the Committee, Staff, Facilitators, Co-Facilitators, Sponsors, and Partners, for making our 26th annual Youth & Elders Gathering possible. This Gathering featured our Michipicoten First Nation community and highlighted our cultural revitalization efforts. Enabling us to share sacred ceremonies, cultural workshops, traditional teachings, First Nations foods, with all who attended.
The 26th Annual Youth & Elders Gathering at Michipicoten FIrst Nation, drew (700) visitors over (5) days. With over (50+) Facilitators hosting Ceremony and Culture, Healing, Nourishment and Entertainment sessions, with (50+) Co – Facilitators and MFN Staff assisting in hosting, setting up, and providing service to our community. (28) Sponsors and Partners expanded our efforts, enabling over (150+) Workshops and Activities to happen, all on Michipicoten First Nations’ sacred lands. Our Back to our Roots theme was focused on sharing traditional knowledge from our Elders, re-connecting our Youth and Community to our Seven Grandfather teachings:
- Building a Traditional Birch Bark Canoe
- Hosting Land and Water workshops
- Building a Wabano Teaching Lodge, Star Lodge, and Sweat Lodge
- Making Ribbon Skirts, Regalia, Drums, and Rattles
- Hosting first annual Survivor Michipicoten Games
- Giving Clans, Colors, and Naming Ceremonies
- Having a Traditional Adoption Ceremony
- Providing Art Therapy and Plant Medicine Teachings
- Hosting Grieving Program, Blanket Dance and Pow Wow Social
- Having Live Music, Drum Socials, Vendor Market, and Movie Night Monday
- Providing First Nations’ nourishment daily, for all attendees
- Playing Adult and Youth Bingo, PickleBall, Lacrosse, Ring and Washer toss
- Including our first annual Childcare Station, for Families
- Working Wellness booth, by Community Health Nurse, Blood pressure checks / prizes
Chi- Miigwetch to the Y&E Gathering Facilitators, providing Ceremony & Culture, Healing and Nourishment, Education & Entertainment to all:
(23) Ceremony & Culture: Diane Longboat & Cynthia White | Willard & Marie Pine | Gary & Lisa Councillor | Garland Moses | Donald & Julie Michano | Leslie Morrisseau | Trevor Sayers, Carolle Herminston & Elizabeth Sayers | Chuck Commanda, William Weaver & Paul Jacques | Barbara Day & Rene Ojeebah | John-Paul Chalykoff | Carole Bouffard | Mavis Harden & Kevin Harden | Stephanie Tangie (1) MC: William Morin | (4) Firekeepers: John Condo, Joseph Neyland, Larry O’Connor, Clifford Wabooz
(18) Healing & Nourishment: Patricia Toulouse | Jackie Tangie | Jessica Labranche | Kathleen Bouchard | Kelly Jeffords & Chantell Morias | Lena Andre | (3) Main Chefs: Sam Anglin, Sam Jr., Angus Bush: Minozekwe | (3) Assistant Chefs: Christopher Grasley,… (2) Cooks: Mercedes, Kesaun | (3) Kitchen Helpers: Jonah Chaffey,…
(8) Education & Entertainment: Thrive Tours: Amanda Cora & Brad Robinson | Naturally Superior Adventures: David Wells | The Sidekicks: Francois Beaupre & Dan Beaupre | Lacrosse: Robert & Kayla Beaupre | Horseshoe Toss: Gilles Martineau | Youth Bingo & Adult Bingo: Roberta Day | Youth activities: Ganaw-Zhawenjige Family Prevention Services | Art Therapy & Health Services: Maamwesying North Shore Community Health Services
(28) Sponsors & Partners: Generation Mining | Shared Value Solutions | TBT Engineering Limited | Royal Canadian Legion, Harry Searle Branch 5 | A.G. Chapman Enterprises | Tomahawk Construction Services | Missinabi Forest Management Inc. Partners: Canadian Wildlife Federation | Naturally Superior Adventures | Anishinabek Employment and Training Services | Huron Superior Catholic District School Board | JJAM FM Wawa/Chapleau | Wawa Motor Inn | The Outdoorsman | Mystic Isle Motel | Naosap Harvest | Grand North Bison | Algoma Highlands Farm | Thrift Barn |
Desbarats Country | Trent University | Hydro One | Algoma Power Inc. | Ministry of Transportation | University of British Columbia (Alex Duncan, phD Candidate) | Red Pine Exploration Inc. | Alamos Gold Inc. – Island Gold Mine | Newmont Goldcorp – Borden Mine
All are welcome, and no fee is charged, making our Partners and Sponsors so appreciated! Their support enabled us to host a full (MFN) Y&E Gathering Schedule. Interested in being a Sponsor or Partner for future Gatherings? See our Youth and Elders Gathering Sponsorship Letter, and send an email to: yegathering@michipicoten.com.
Do you have feedback you would like to share? We would love to hear from you!
Share your feedback here: https://bit.ly/YEGFeedback
Photo Disclaimer: Please note that photographs will be taken throughout the 2024 Youth & Elders Gathering. These will be used by only Michipicoten First Nation for future publications, website, and social media.
For donation or volunteer inquires, please contact:
Anais Tangie, 2024 Youth & Elders Gathering Coordinator
E-mail: yegathering@michipicoten.com
Chi-miigwetch to our 2024 Partners / Sponsors: